Apr 14, 2009

personal genomics in europe

Following the booming of personalized genetics on the other side of the globe, I'm quite curious about the impact that personal genomic screening services might have, and probably will have, in Europe.

There are at least two considerations to make: first, Europe is less dependent on private health insurance, therefore, less tempted by DIY medical analyses; second, these tests seems to rely on an internet-based service that is not so diffuse in Europe, especially among southern countries. Will these barriers be enough to stop the wave of "trendy" personal genetic testing approaching our continent?



  1. i just found out something quite interesting http://www.dnavision.be/
    ...looks more like a service provider...

  2. Da Wired.it

    Allarme test clinici online: Oggi alla UE si comincia a
    decidere il destino degli esami del DNA

